Dinosaurs and an election!

Greetings Penguins,

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What an exciting first week back we have had! We met a dinosaur who had time -travelled to come and see us, learnt about dinosaurs, had a new friend join our class and had an election where we voted

What facts do you know about dinosaurs?

Different dinosaurs eat different things. A dinosaur that eats plants is called a…? (herbivore)

A dinosaur that eats meat is called a…? (carnivore)

A dinosaur that eats plants and meat is called an…? (omnivore) 

Find out more about dinosaurs and what they ate through this link:


How is a fossil made?

In our election we had 3 different candidates to choose from; they all promised different things and we had to work out which were the best promises. Can you remember why you voted for the candidate you chose? Check out the picture if you need a reminder of what they were promising 🙂 

Photo 07-06-2017, 11 16 15

We had to think super carefully because some promises sounded good at first but then we realised that actually they would not be so good for our health over a long period of time. What do your adults think? Do they have any thoughts or feelings about the election that they would like to share with you? 

On Friday it is Sports Day – Penguin adults if you are able to attend we would love to see you there! Penguins please remember to come to school in your PE kit ready to start our day of sporting fun! It would be a good idea to have put suncream on and to wear a hat as well. 

It will be Green Team‘s turn for Show and Tell.

Have a wonderful weekend full of exploring, reading, writing, sleeping, eating, singing, dancing, playing, talking, homework and of course don’t forget to comment on the blog!

I look forward to seeing you again on Monday 🙂


Miss Linsley x

Happy Easter!

Greetings Penguins,

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This week we finished our Space topic. As it was the end of term we were super busy doing things like making fabulous Easter baskets so I find there is always more I wish we could have explored doing our Space topic! However this week we did learn some more about astronauts and the videos below will help to reinforce that new learning. 

What do astronauts do? 

Do you remember who the first man on the moon was? (Neil Armstrong)

Do you remember which 2 animals were sent up into space before any people were sent up? (A monkey called Albert II and a dog called Laika) 

Do you remember what job Neil Armstrong did before he became an astronaut? (He was a pilot) 

Which country was the USA competing against in a competition to get a man on the moon first? (Russia

The Moon: http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/clips/zy89wmn

Bitesize Learning Clips are a fantastic resource for learning about the planets, why not watch a video a day? http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/topics/zdbbkqt/resources/1 


I hope you are enjoying the beginning of your Easter break and have a fantastic 2 weeks of fun in the sun. Hopefully you will have the chance to go to the park, maybe visit some other places too, here are some suggestions…

(The places below are either free or only have a small charge attached)

Vauxhall City Farm https://vauxhallcityfarm.org

Oasis Nature Garden http://oasisplay.org.uk/come-and-play/nature-garden/

Roots and Shoots http://www.rootsandshoots.org.uk/environment 

The Natural History Museum http://www.nhm.ac.uk

The Science Museum http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk

The V&A Museum of Childhood http://www.vam.ac.uk/moc/home/

The British Museum http://www.britishmuseum.org

Parks! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/europe/united-kingdom/england/london/articles/best-london-parks-for-children/ – I am-particularly fond of St James’ Park because of the pelicans which I love 😀 

Events in Lambeth https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/events?neighbourhood=All&categories=All&search-preset-date-ranges=specify_date_range&dates%5Bmin%5D%5Bdate%5D=03%2F04%2F2017&dates%5Bmax%5D%5Bdate%5D=17%2F04%2F2017&title=&custom_date_range_drop_down_filter_last_value=all

(These activities will be more expensive)

Exciting Easter events around London https://www.timeout.com/london/kids/activities/the-best-easter-activities-for-kids-in-london?package_page=46531

Whatever you do I hope you have a fantastic time and I’d love to see some writing about what you have been up to! You will find there is space at the back of your holiday homework pack 🙂 

Here are our Easter and Spring playlists: 



And just because they are so cute, here is the Hatchling and Worm video – they know how to be good friends 🙂 

Finally, in my other role as Computing Leader, here are some interesting articles for Penguin adults about the amount of screen time to aim for children to have and how technology can be affecting your child’s sleep: 



Happy holidays! 

Have a wonderful time full of exploring, reading, writing, sleeping, eating, singing, dancing, playing, talking, homework and of course don’t forget to comment on the blog!

I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 18th April!


Miss Linsley x

Exploring space!

Greetings Penguins,

This week we have been learning about space and we were lucky enough to be visited by an alien who shared a story about his friend Baby Bear flying all the way to the moon

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We have been learning factsthings that we know are true, not made up things – about space, especially the Moon and the planets.

What can you tell you adult about the Moon?

How is the Moon able to shine down on us? (light from the Sun)

Is the Sun a planet, a star or something else? (a star)

Which is the biggest planet in our solar system? (Jupiter

What would you most like to find out about space? Comment below! 

This Friday was a special day as we celebrated Red Nose Day!

Why do we have Red Nose Day?

Can you think of one kind thing you could do to help someone else? (it doesn’t have to be for someone less fortunate/lucky than yourself, it could be anyone)

Tomorrow it is another special day as it is Mother’s Day!

On Mother’s Day we celebrate all the lovely things our mums or other special female adults do for us and try to make them feel extra special! So, make sure you make your mum or other special female adult feels looked after and loved tomorrow.

You could make a card or draw a picture, sing them a song, ask another adult for help to do something like bake them a cake or simply remember to tell them that you love that and say thank you for everything they do 🙂 

Have a wonderful weekend full of exploring, reading, writing, sleeping, eating, singing, dancing, playing, talking, homework and of course don’t forget to comment on the blog!

On Friday it will be Red and Yellow teams’ turn for Show and Tell.

Penguin adults please remember that it is Parents Afternoon/Evening this Thursday. If you have not yet made an appointment please hand the slip in or speak to me on the gate on Monday morning.

School will be closing at 2pm on Thursday and Friday this week – time for the holidays! 

I look forward to seeing you again on Monday when we can celebrate my birthday together! I’m excited to share cake with you and listen to your singing! 🙂


Miss Linsley x