Under the sea and saving the planet

Greetings Penguins!

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This week we started our Under the Sea topic and  have been learning about sea creatures, especially whales.

What facts have you learnt about whales?

There are lots of different kinds of whales; how many can you name

In our story Whale Magic the mummy and baby humpback whales had been swimming for a long time to try and get away from an oil slick.

Can you explain what an oil slick is to your adult? 

Oil slicks are terrible for the environment. What ways can we help take care of our world

On Tuesday we will be going on our trip to Vauxhall City Farm. If you haven’t yet handed in the permission slip and money for the trip please do 🙂 There are also a few more spaces for adults to come on the trip with us so if you would like to please let me or Ms Atkinson know on Monday. At the moment the weather forecast is predicating warm but not too hot temperatures (23 degrees c) and the possibilities of showers so suncream, sun hats and a light raincoat would all be a good idea 🙂 

It will be Yellow Team‘s turn for Show and Tell on Friday. Have a wonderful weekend full of exploring, reading, writing, sleeping, eating, singing, dancing, playing, talking, homework and of course don’t forget to comment on the blog!

I look forward to seeing you again on Monday! Please bring trainers or plimsolls for outdoor PE! 🙂


Miss Linsley x

Dinosaurs and farm animals

Greetings Penguins!

It has been so great to be back with you this week and we have had lots of fun! 

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We finished off our dinosaur topic by painting dinosaurs and writing and talking about them for the science display we will be putting up in the entrance hall. We also named the dinosaur who hatched (Brian-Rosie) – we voted on the name so as to be as fair as possible – and excavated some dinosaur skeletons from ice! 

Can you explain to your adults all the different ways you melted the ice so you could free the dinosaur skeletons trapped there? 

In literacy this week we did some very important letter writing – we wrote to Mrs Peake asking if we could be allowed to go on a class trip to the farm! You wrote some super letters and Mrs Peake said that we can go! 

How do we start a letter? (you need to say who the letter is for, so you write ‘Dear‘ to ‘To‘)

How do you finish a letter? (by saying who the letter is from, so ‘From‘ or ‘Love from‘) 

What did you need to include in your letter to Mrs Peake about the farm trip? (we had to ask if we could please go, why we should be allowed to go and what we would enjoy there) 

On trip to Vauxhall City Farm will take place on Tuesday 4th July. If you are interested in being one of the adults accompanying us then please let myself or Ms Atkinson know ASAP. 

During our Big Talk time this week we learnt about where eggs come from and how it is important to think about what the lives of the hens who lay the eggs are like. 

Would you like to spend your life squashed up in a cage, unable to move

Watch the video again and discuss your thoughts with your adults. 

Next week we start our two week Under the Sea topic, you can get a head-start on the topic with our new playlist below:


Have a wonderful weekend full of exploring, reading, writing, sleeping, eating, singing, dancing, playing, talking, homework and of course don’t forget to comment on the blog!

It will be Red Team‘s turn for Show and Tell on Friday. 

I look forward to seeing you again on Monday! Please bring trainers or plimsolls for outdoor PE! 🙂


Miss Linsley x

A very busy spider and very busy us!

Greetings Penguins!

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This week we shared another story by Eric Carle, author of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. This week we met The Very Busy Spider.

What is an author? (someone who writes books)

What is an illustrator? (someone who draws or paints the pictures for books) 

What can you tell your adult about what happened in the story?

As your challenge activity this week you wrote a letter to the Very Busy Spider suggesting new fun things she could do instead of spending all her time weaving her web. Working with your adult can you come up with some new ideas for her? 

How do we start a letter? (With ‘Dear’ or ‘To’)

How do we end a letter? (‘From’ or ‘Love from’)

In the playlist below are videos of the two Eric Carle stories we already know as well as two new ones; watch them all and see what similarities (things that are alike) you can notice? Think about the language used, the characters and what happens in the stories. 

In maths this week we revised measurement and shape.

Can you see some 2D or 3D shapes around you? Which properties can you identify? (number of sides in 2D shapes, faces, edges and vertices in 3D shapes) 

Can you measure something that is short and something that is long

Have a wonderful weekend full of exploring, reading, writing, sleeping, eating, singing, dancing, playing, talking, homework and of course don’t forget to comment on the blog!

Our Show and tell order has possibly got in a bit of a muddle…Blue Team had their turn on Friday so this coming Friday it will be Red Teams turn for Show and Tell.

I look forward to seeing you again on Monday! Please bring trainers or plimsolls for outdoor PE! 🙂


Miss Linsley x

Super times with Superworm and Supertato!

Greetings super writers!

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This week Superworm came back and we wanted to know where he had been! Cheeky Superworm wouldn’t answer our questions except for with a nod or shake of his head so we had to come up with questions we could ask him that he could nod or shake his head to. 

Can you think of any more questions to ask Superworm

Can you use describing words in your questions?

The big achievement of the week was all of you super Penguins saving writing for the whole world thanks to your superhero writing! Supertato was so impressed that he came to visit and brought you superhero certificates! Do keep up the superhero writing, especially independent writing

Perhaps you could do some more writing about Supertato or about worms – take a look at our worm learning video below 🙂 

Have a wonderful weekend full of exploring, reading, writing, sleeping, eating, singing, dancing, playing, talking, homework and of course don’t forget to comment on the blog!

On Friday it will be Red Team‘s turn for Show and Tell.

I look forward to seeing you again on Monday! 🙂


Miss Linsley x

Where is Superworm?!

Hello Penguins!

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This week we saw the scientist again. He has lost his best friend Superworm and is very upset. We made posters asking people to look out for Superworm as he is missing! We also worked on rhyming words as the story Superworm has lots of rhyme in it.

Can you think of 3 places Superworm might be hiding?

Can you think of 3 words that rhyme (sound very alike/similar)

Have you seen a missing poster in the area you live? Next time you see one stop and take a look. What sort of language is used on the poster to grab your attention? How does it make you take an interest and care about the missing pet? This is persuasive language in use. Check out the videos below to learn more about it – you hear it all the time in adverts!

In maths we have continued to learn about telling the time and symmetry. Play the symmetry games below to practise your symmetry skills!


Have a wonderful weekend full of exploring, reading, writing, sleeping, eating, singing, dancing, playing, talking, homework and of course don’t forget to comment on the blog!

On Friday it will be Blue Team‘s turn for Show and Tell.

I look forward to seeing you again on Monday! 🙂


Miss Linsley x

Caterpillars and butterflies

Greetings Penguins!

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This week our focus story has been The Very Hungry Caterpillar and we have been developing our skills at list writing and sentence writing during our literacy time. 

Can you think of a describing word for some or all of the food below? Remember a describing word adds detail and helps whoever is reading our writing to better imagine what we are writing about. 

  • orange
  • apple
  • plum 
  • cake
  • lollipop 
  • ice cream
  • watermelon
  • a leaf 

In maths we have been learning to tell the time and exploring symmetry

Practise telling the time with your adult, can you tell the o’clocks? Can you tell the half pasts?

What does it mean if something is symmetrical?

Where can you see symmetry around you? 

Penguins had a fantastic time at our Maths Open Morning on Wednesday, thank you to all the adults who were able to attend.

Have a wonderful weekend full of exploring, reading, writing, sleeping, eating, singing, dancing, playing, talking, homework and of course don’t forget to comment on the blog!

On Friday it will be Red Team‘s turn for Show and Tell.

I look forward to seeing you again on Tuesday! 🙂


Miss Linsley x

Minibeasts and number sentences!

Hello Penguins!

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Welcome back to a new term, it is so great to be back with all of you 🙂 This term our topic is minibeasts –  we have already begun to learn about different minibeasts, their habitats and some special facts about them, for example…flies have sticky feet! 

Which minibeasts can you name?

What facts do you know about them?

Remember facts are things that we know are definitely true and have not been made up.

What minibeast facts would you like to learn next?

See what minibeasts you can create using the game below 🙂 


Explore minibeasts further with CBeebies:


In maths we have been working hard learning to use numberlines and practising our number sentences. We have been practising both our adding and taking away using numberlines

adding numberline

numberline +1

Using the numberline below can you work out the answers to the number sentences below? 

1 + 1 =

3 + 1 =

4 + 2 =

6 + 3 =

3 – 1 =

4 – 2 =

7 – 1 =


Now can you make up some number sentences of your own and answer them using the numberline? If you write them down and bring them into school there might be a prize for you! 

Minibeast playlist: 

Tweety the singing chick has joined our class; here is a video of him celebrating Easter with his friend Bunny. Can you write a super sentence about Tweety? Work that shows super effort will be celebrated!

On Wednesday the whole school (apart from Yr4 due to swimming lesson commitments) will be having a Maths Open Morning. We have lots of fun activities planned and would love to see as many Penguin adults there as possible 🙂 

Have a wonderful weekend full of exploring, reading, writing, sleeping, eating, singing, dancing, playing, talking, homework and of course don’t forget to comment on the blog!

On Friday it will be Green Team‘s turn for Show and Tell.

I look forward to seeing you again on Monday! 🙂


Miss Linsley x

Happy Easter!

Greetings Penguins,

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This week we finished our Space topic. As it was the end of term we were super busy doing things like making fabulous Easter baskets so I find there is always more I wish we could have explored doing our Space topic! However this week we did learn some more about astronauts and the videos below will help to reinforce that new learning. 

What do astronauts do? 

Do you remember who the first man on the moon was? (Neil Armstrong)

Do you remember which 2 animals were sent up into space before any people were sent up? (A monkey called Albert II and a dog called Laika) 

Do you remember what job Neil Armstrong did before he became an astronaut? (He was a pilot) 

Which country was the USA competing against in a competition to get a man on the moon first? (Russia

The Moon: http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/clips/zy89wmn

Bitesize Learning Clips are a fantastic resource for learning about the planets, why not watch a video a day? http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/topics/zdbbkqt/resources/1 


I hope you are enjoying the beginning of your Easter break and have a fantastic 2 weeks of fun in the sun. Hopefully you will have the chance to go to the park, maybe visit some other places too, here are some suggestions…

(The places below are either free or only have a small charge attached)

Vauxhall City Farm https://vauxhallcityfarm.org

Oasis Nature Garden http://oasisplay.org.uk/come-and-play/nature-garden/

Roots and Shoots http://www.rootsandshoots.org.uk/environment 

The Natural History Museum http://www.nhm.ac.uk

The Science Museum http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk

The V&A Museum of Childhood http://www.vam.ac.uk/moc/home/

The British Museum http://www.britishmuseum.org

Parks! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/europe/united-kingdom/england/london/articles/best-london-parks-for-children/ – I am-particularly fond of St James’ Park because of the pelicans which I love 😀 

Events in Lambeth https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/events?neighbourhood=All&categories=All&search-preset-date-ranges=specify_date_range&dates%5Bmin%5D%5Bdate%5D=03%2F04%2F2017&dates%5Bmax%5D%5Bdate%5D=17%2F04%2F2017&title=&custom_date_range_drop_down_filter_last_value=all

(These activities will be more expensive)

Exciting Easter events around London https://www.timeout.com/london/kids/activities/the-best-easter-activities-for-kids-in-london?package_page=46531

Whatever you do I hope you have a fantastic time and I’d love to see some writing about what you have been up to! You will find there is space at the back of your holiday homework pack 🙂 

Here are our Easter and Spring playlists: 



And just because they are so cute, here is the Hatchling and Worm video – they know how to be good friends 🙂 

Finally, in my other role as Computing Leader, here are some interesting articles for Penguin adults about the amount of screen time to aim for children to have and how technology can be affecting your child’s sleep: 



Happy holidays! 

Have a wonderful time full of exploring, reading, writing, sleeping, eating, singing, dancing, playing, talking, homework and of course don’t forget to comment on the blog!

I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 18th April!


Miss Linsley x

Onward our journey goes!

Greetings Penguins and welcome to our new blog…I filled our last blog address up with all those wonderful photos of you and information about our learning so now this is our new home 🙂 

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This week we have continued to learn and write about pirates and in maths we have been learning about positional language and some of us have been tackled the challenge that is co-ordinates

Can you describe where 3 items in the room are using positional language?

E.g. The plant is next to the fruit bowl

This week also had a very special day – International Women’s Day. In class we discussed the importance of treating everyone the same, as we are all equal. We talked about how women all over the world – even in our own country! – aren’t always treated equally and how we must do our part to make sure we make things better.

Can you remember one of the ways in which women are not treated equally?

Remember even if you are a boy this affects you too – don’t we all have the right to be treated equally? Wouldn’t the world be happier if we are all treated equally? Doesn’t your mum, grandma, sister or other important female adult deserve to be treated equally and with respect

Watch the video below. What do you think of Eva? What do you think of Jude?

Don’t forget to keep practising for our assembly which is on Friday!

Adults it would be great to see as many of you there as possible 🙂 A text will be sent to remind you. 

The song to practise is the first one on our playlist below: 

Have a wonderful weekend full of exploring, reading, writing, sleeping, eating, singing, dancing, playing, talking, homework and of course don’t forget to comment on the blog!

On Friday it will be Red and Yellow teams’ turn for Show and Tell

I look forward to seeing you again on Monday! 🙂


Miss Linsley x