Pirate superstars!

Greetings my little superstars!

I hope you are feeling super proud of yourselves because you were fantastic! Every single one of you worked hard and put lots of effort and enthusiasm into our pirate assembly and it was super! So many people told me how impressed they were and I was so happy to be a part of it with all of you and watch your wonderful selves enjoying every minute and shining like stars

Miss Simone kindly videoed your performance and managed to get most of it before the naughty iPad became full up! So very sorry if you can’t see your part, however I dashed off to get another iPad and we were able to video all of your singing and dancing the second time round so all of you will be able to see yourselves on screen 🙂

What did you enjoy most about performing

What was the biggest challenge?

Would you like to do more performing? If so, what kind? Singing? Dancing? Acting

Have a wonderful weekend!


Miss Linsley x

Onward our journey goes!

Greetings Penguins and welcome to our new blog…I filled our last blog address up with all those wonderful photos of you and information about our learning so now this is our new home 🙂 

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This week we have continued to learn and write about pirates and in maths we have been learning about positional language and some of us have been tackled the challenge that is co-ordinates

Can you describe where 3 items in the room are using positional language?

E.g. The plant is next to the fruit bowl

This week also had a very special day – International Women’s Day. In class we discussed the importance of treating everyone the same, as we are all equal. We talked about how women all over the world – even in our own country! – aren’t always treated equally and how we must do our part to make sure we make things better.

Can you remember one of the ways in which women are not treated equally?

Remember even if you are a boy this affects you too – don’t we all have the right to be treated equally? Wouldn’t the world be happier if we are all treated equally? Doesn’t your mum, grandma, sister or other important female adult deserve to be treated equally and with respect

Watch the video below. What do you think of Eva? What do you think of Jude?

Don’t forget to keep practising for our assembly which is on Friday!

Adults it would be great to see as many of you there as possible 🙂 A text will be sent to remind you. 

The song to practise is the first one on our playlist below: 

Have a wonderful weekend full of exploring, reading, writing, sleeping, eating, singing, dancing, playing, talking, homework and of course don’t forget to comment on the blog!

On Friday it will be Red and Yellow teams’ turn for Show and Tell

I look forward to seeing you again on Monday! 🙂


Miss Linsley x